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Twelve Percent Reporting

The early returns are in and encouraging!

Well given that this is an election season, I must own up. That's my own version of spin.

In all truth though, I did hear back from one of our eight readers. When I opened the email from Mark Kuntz, journalist, and sports anchor with WTLW Television of Lima, it is a good thing I was home alone. They probably heard me hollering clear down the street, because the first sentence read, "Finished reading the book last night, absolutely loved it, lots of great stuff in there, give me a couple days and I'll type up my notes."

Now I must admit, I don't have the scratched up version back yet, but coming from someone who covers the Buckeyes for a living, and who is someone I admire, well, could we ask for a better sendoff? We told all our readers to "give us your best shot," and I am sure Mark will have much constructive criticism. But for now. After more than two years. After transcribing, and typing, and rearranging, and revising, maybe a million words. Well, think I'll savor these three - "Absolutely loved it."