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Modern Day Robber Baron or Philanthropist?

This Christmas Season, support your local bookstore! And here's why...

I came across an interesting piece this morning in the NY Times titled Amazon's Jungle Logic. The well written article, in quoting many of today's biggest and best authors, examines what many think is an unfair tactic by the internet giant in today's cutthroat publishing industry, and the dangers of monopolization of the book business. In reading the article, the story reminded me of the history long debate over the Standard Oil Monopoly and the life of J D. Rockefeller - great robber baron or great philanthropist? It also pointed our what I think is a pretty galling marketing strategy by the internet giant.

In any case, the article at the link above is a good read. And it illustrates why this Christmas Season, you should visit your local bookstore for your gift purchases. Browse the aisles with all the choices. See something you might never have thought of buying. Pickup a title and read a bit, to see if you like it. Feel the weight of the author's work. Put it down if you don't like it. Try doing that with Amazon. You can spend your money with someone that supports your local economy, pays taxes that build your local schools and roads, employees friends of friends or neighbors of neighbors. Or as the article says, you can send your money to some CEO on a Caribbean beach. The choice is yours.