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Those Without Sin

Well it has been a while, but this pen has been quiet because I was off to Southern Ohio for some farther-son bonding chasing Bambi! I'm off to Columbus in a little bit with our sons and their wives. It was to have been a big game till the Bucks stubbed their toe while I was off in the woods. Still, six seats together with the family on Senior day. It doesn't get any better.

If you are in the stadium today, I will be one of those cheering the return of DeVier Posey. Hope you are too. One of the reporters asked Luke this week "if he thought the fans would cheer or boo DeVier's return, and what Luke thought they should do." It was a stupid question, and if I had been Luke, that's what I would have told the reporter I thought. I mean the guy's lucky Luke didn't pin him on the spot with a wrestling hold.

Then this morning I saw a poll on Eleven Warriors where 30% of the respondents said they didn't care DeVier was back, or shouldn't ever be back. Really? I suppose those 30% never made a mistake in their life. DeVier Posey is a good kid who made a big mistake and paid a huge price. He could have walked off to the Pro's. But he stayed and did his penance, and then some in my opinion, and then some more, in my opinion, and then some more. I'm with John Hicks and the other ex Buckeye players - the price he paid is out of proportion to others transgressions. But DeVier stayed, and paid that price, which had to be excruciating. By all accounts, he has helped the team in every way he could in the interim, including serving as fodder on the scout team. He deserves our full welcome back! And not our scorn.

But maybe I have an advantage you all don't. You see I did an hour interview with DeVier's mother right after the very first game he played at Ohio State. It was long before all of this dust-up. She told me of raising him by herself - as a widowed mother, if memory is correct - and how he was raised to do the right thing. She told me of how when he got the Ohio State offer, she initially said "No" - telling him "we first have to check out the academics." She told me of bringing him on his recruiting trip to Ohio State, and how on the way home DeVier wanted to stop and buy a Buckeye hat. But she had to tell him that day they couldn't do that - she had used all their money just for the trip to get him there. I remember listening to Julie Posey, and being so impressed, thinking here is a smart sensible mother doing things right to raise a good kid. And I am sure she is one of the reason's DeVier stayed to get his degree when he could have skated into the sunset.

So I will be cheering for DeVier today. You should too. Because if nothing else, at the end of that long tunnel, there will be a mother who deserves better, after all the water under this year's bridge. There will be a mother waiting for an embrace from a son she did her best to raise. There will be a mother waiting for an embrace from a son who academically is a top-notch student. There will be a mother waiting for an embrace from a Buckeye who has sweated and toiled and strained for four years - all to entertain us fans in the stands and give us a feel good experience.

If that moment deserves a booing, well let all those in the stadium who are themselves without sin stand up and cast the first stone on the field. And if you do, well I hope you're not seated near me. I'd hate to get thrown out for mixing it up.