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Is It Just Me?

Any I the only one thoroughly and completely annoyed at the Dispatch Media Monster's Ohio State coverage this week?

I call it the newspaper and WBNS TV's "wall to wall give the game to Michigan strategy." Their coverage of rumors, anonymous sources, and suppositions reminds me of a bunch of teeny bopper girls gossiping about who is taking who to the 5th grade dance. We have the biggest game of the year coming up, and can you imagine the coaches and players trying to focus on beating Michigan in the face of ALL THIS DISTRACTION. There will be plenty of time for all of this next week, so frankly right now I find it disgusting.

I have some good friends covering the sports beat at that paper. I am sure they will tell me they are just doing their job. Well, sorry guys, in this case, your job sucks!

Go Bucks. Beat the Blue, if anyone still is focused on the game, that is.