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The Best Damn Fans

A hundred thousand of the Best Damn Fans will gather tomorrow in the Horseshoe. Yours truly is leaving for Columbus this morning to be among them. With all that has gone on this year, those assembled Saturday will truly be the "best of the best."

Ticket sales are reported to be down. The University says that is not unusual in years of away Michigan games, and that the economy is a factor. Sports writers point to the lack of a marquee non-conference game. And of course everyone is pointing to the big elephant standing in the corner of the end zone. There is probably some kernel of truth in all of that. What I do know is that the scalpers are complaining of losing their shirts. Pity. Pity. Pity.

Now the bad news is, if you are Gene Smith trying to pay for all those Olympic sports that benefit hundreds of Ohio State Students, that is not a good thing. But if you are an alumnus like me - who can't afford the Presidents Club - well it means I have come up with tickets for five different games this year, all at face vlaue! So that's the good news!

That good news also means that more of those there this year will actually be in the stadium to see the game and root and holler. To those fair weather fans, who only want to show up when they think we are going to win a National Championship - I say Good Ridden.

The world won't end Saturday. St. John Arena will still fall pin drop silent when the TBDBITL starts that Navy Hymn. The Horseshoe will still shake when that Best Damn Band makes the Ramp Entrance. The crowd will still roar when the Drum Major does that back bend. Families will still sing Buckeye Battle Cry and Carmen Ohio. Little kids will still marvel in awe when holding Grandpa or Grandma's hand, they walk into that place for the first time. And we will still have one massive tailgate party, renewing old acquaintances and making new friends.

That is the real Story of the 'Shoe. It's been that way for 89 years, and it will be that way forever. So if you're staying home because of a little bump in the road, we don't need you. We the faithful will always fill that Stadium - be it Summer's Heat or Winters Cold!

Go Bucks!