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One More Time

It was only 8 AM but already the air hung heavy, like you were trapped in a crowded elevator with the air conditioning out. Still they were out there. All 570 some. On the field in front of the Towers. Practicing. Hard. Just to march down that field One More Time.

As I stood and watched the alumni band practice, to the stern admonitions of Dr. Woods, and Dr. Droskey, and Jonathan Waters (Keep those feet straight, toes pointed!) the trainers were busy scurrying around, tending to the already wounded: Ice on the neck of this lady. Taping the developing blisters on a gentleman's foot. Rushing someone with heat exhaustion back to the locker room on the golf cart.

It dawned on me. These people are athletes too!

Six hours later they were still at it, when led by a 93-year-old, they performed the first ever quadruple Script Ohio in Ohio Stadium History. I have a whole chapter in the Stories of the Shoe about what this band means to Ohio Stadium. After Saturday, I know I am not exaggerating. And I am wondering, is their any school in the country that can get more than 570 old geezers to come back and march on a field in a temperature that was measured at 108 degrees? Hell no I say. It truly is The Best Damn Band In The Land.