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The Glory of The Going When Chic Harley Got Away!

James Thurber wrote that headline, and Bill Myles and I spent a pleasant and balmy evening in Columbus Wednesday on the lawn of the Thurber House at the last of their Summer Picnic "Book Readings."

Believe it or not, I had never been to a Book Reading, and we figured that if we were going to be famous some day, well we both better see how this is done! Ha! That got a real belly laugh from Jenny when I told her what we were up to. I would marry someone with a sense of humor. Maybe she thought since Thurber was involved, she was supposed to think it was funny.

Actually, the other reason we were there was that this particular evening, the reading was of Chic, the captivating story of Chic Harley, written and read by Dispatch writer Bob Hunter. It was an engaging evening listen to Bob read his work and talk about the book, and about the life of man who turned Columbus into a football town. Of course the Thurber House was the perfect setting, given how James Thurber described his good friend Chic when he penned:

If you never saw him run with a football, we can't describe it to you. It wasn't like Red Grange or Tom Harmon or anybody else.

It was a kind of a cross between music and cannon fire, and it brought your heart up under your ears.

If you haven't yet read Chic, shame on you. And if you have never been to the Thurber House, well you owe it to yourself to see the home of Ohio State's famous author, humorist, and cartoonist!

And if you have never heard the full version of When Chic Harley Got Away, well, Google it.