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Turning Out The Lights

Thank heavens for DVR's. I am not a big television fan, but I am sorry I will be on a boat on Lake Erie tonight chasing walleye when they broadcast the final episode of Friday Night Lights. It was poor planning on my part when I accepted the offer to go.

Perhaps you have never watched the show - it never caught on like it deserved to - but if you were ever a part of small town life, and small town football, you know this show captured the essence of ordinary people's lives better than any of the "so-called reality stuff" ever could. I always thought the acting, the photography, the lighting, the writing were superb.

The bigger reason I was drawn to the show though was Myles Traveled. You see, in Coach Eric Taylor, I see - and admire - a young Bill Myles. As I have sat in Bill's study these last three years, and listened to Coach Myles tell me of his early days as a high school coach, I have thought about how much the themes of his life parallel those of Eric Taylor's. Poverty. Morality. Family. Education. Opportunity. Prejudice. Success. Failure. Those are the story lines of Friday Night Lights, and football was just the vehicle to tell them. The same is true of Myles Traveled.

While I can't tell you my crafting will be as good or the scenes as compelling as Friday Night Lights - I can promise you that when you are done, you will realize that the heart of Bill Myles is every bit as big, every bit as pure, every bit as caring, and every bit as deserving of the love showed by those players and that community to Coach Eric Taylor. And it will be one more Story of the 'Shoe