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Get Ready - Round Two

All the recent solitude has been bliss! Sorry for the lack of posts but I have chilled out.

It is about to end though, so get ready. (The solitude that is, not my chilling...) OSU releases it's response to the NCAA next week and the news media will be all over that like flies on that stuff that drops out of the back of the Clydesdale's on the Rose Bowl parade route. Look for a whole 'nother round of hype and hand wringing and hatchet jobs.

As for me, it will be another ho-hum day. The only thing that matters, and the only thing I want to hear is the final NCAA ruling by the people in that hearing room actually giving all this a fair, impartial, serious, and responsible decision. That's when we take our lumps, be they small or be they big, and then move on. Until then it is all conjecture and I have just learned to tune it out and think about football on the field next fall.

I am long past worrying about it. Long past reading all the crap and malarkey and untruths and innuendos that is being printed and alleged -by the national and sadly, even by some of our local media.

In Myles Traveled, we will talk about one of "Bills Rules to Live By"....namely, "It's never as good as it seems, and never as bad as it seems either." Stay tuned for a lesson that is helping me in everyday life.

And by the way, it is 128 days and counting, since I have been to either the SI or ESPN website, or read anything they printed, or watched anything they have broadcast . Haven't missed them even a tiny bit. I have found one local media that is doing a reasonably good job of keeping me current and even handed on my Buckeye News and that is all I need! Which one. Well in this forum and these shark infested waters, probably best kept to myself.

Go Bucks and Good Luck Luke!