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The Best of Times

Last year about this time, Evan Turner was working his magic. I remember writing something about we should savor it. Little did we know then that that was just an appetizer to what this year is a scrumptious main course.

As I watched the Buckeyes on Sunday, and then again last night sitting there behind the bench during the Women's game, I understood that it is not only the winning, but the way they are doing it.

In the days of bling and posse's and all about me, all these guys know is we. What a treat on Sunday to watch it.... "There's a shot - nope, a pass to a better shot, - nope again, a pass to a really good shot, - nope once more, a pass to a I'm wide open, no one in 20 yards shot, - SWISH!"

Then there was Jared Sullinger, in the press conference after they had just destroyed George Mason, saying mater-of-factually, without any air of boasting, in a moment of self-criticism, "Well, we can play better yet."

And finally last night, there they were, sitting behind the bench for the Ohio State Women's game, laughing together and having the good old time we have witnessed all season - those smiles to one another, the grins at the end of the game, the celebration of each others achievements.

There may be a more talented group out there. But there can't be any team that is composed of players more comfortable with each other, less selfish, and willing to shine the spotlight on the team, even if it dims me a bit. We're in the midst of something special and the question is, "How many more games can we make it last."

Here's hoping they can keep it rolling, and that on Apr. 4, Charles Barkley has to do his best Mark May Eating Crow imitation. Not only should these kids get their due, but lets hope Thad Matta gets all the credit he deserves from the basketball blue bloods, because after all, we're just a football school.

Go Bucks!