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We're Still Married - Barely

Whew! What another nail bitter!

I'm a very lucky guy to have a wife who likes football, at least the Buckeyes, and who also understands it. Watching it makes for something we can do together.

However, I'm very unlucky to have a wife who never played football. We watch it in ways that can well, sometimes get in the way of each other. Case in point, the Sugar Bowl Tuesday night.

Having played the game, I know it is never over till it's over, and the most important play is the next play. So I am watching intently for what is to come, and listening closely to Paul Keels and Jim Lachey explain the game in my head phone between every play. For Jenny on the other hand, every little thing that goes wrong is the end of the world, we're gonna lose! So there we were in the fourth quarter Tuesday night.... me hanging on every play thinking "we're ahead, we're winning, just hold on," and trying to hear Paul and Jim, while every time Arkansas completed a pass, Jenny was screaming at me between plays, "We're going to lose, We're going to lose!" You know, they sure were completing a lot there in the fourth quarter!

Apparently I must have told her to shut up one too many times. With around 5 minutes to go, she got up and huffed out. When I asked, "Where you going?" I got an "Upstairs where I can watch it without you hollering at me" retort. Ooops!

Of course when they blocked that damn punt, I was kinda glad, because I figured I was about to eat some crow big time!

All is well that ends well though, and nothing rejuvenates a marriage like an interception for a big Buckeye win! We're good now.