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So Much Fun, So Little Time

I'm still not likin' this after Thanksgiving game thing. With Turkey Day, The Game, and Deer Season, how does one cram so much fun into 5 straight days? It will be a little quiet on here until next Wednesday. The reason? Here is my schedule:

Friday Morning - 7 AM, Pack for The Game. 8 Am, Pack for Deer Camp. 10 AM, Sight in shotgun. 11 AM, Buy groceries for deer camp. (Why did I wait for Black Friday to do this?)

Friday Afternoon - 1 PM, Head for four o'clock tip off of BB game at the Schott. Cheer the football seniors at half-time and sing We Don't Give A Damn about The Whole State of Michigan. After game, hang out at the Stadium Rotunda, and then the Blackwell lobby, trolling for stories. (If you never have been in the Blackwell Friday evening before a game, it is a great atmosphere!) Bunk in Columbus at Curt and Ambers place for the night. (Great to have a son and his wife living in Columbus!)

Saturday Morning - 5 Am, Rise early, pull on several layers of long johns, and head for the Stadium lots. (It's going to be cold out there. Predicted temperature at sunrise is 22 degrees!) 7 AM, Hook up with friend "Big Nut" (whom you've seen on TV) after being invited to his tailgate party. He said they are going to deep fry seven Turkeys. I asked if that was for good luck, but he said no, they just couldn't find seven Wolverines.

Saturday 10 AM - Press box opens. Head up there to warm up, press the flesh, partake of the City BBQ Brisket on the buffet, and troll for stories. With luck, I will bump into several of my sports writer friends, maybe Coach Myles or Coach Cooper, even Ellen Tressel. Say hello to many of my storytellers, and maybe even get some good new leads.

Saturday 11 AM - On the field sideline for warm-ups. The ex-players will be gathering for the tunnel, parents for senior day, and the special treat, saying hello some members of the '42 National Championship Team (Some of my favorite storytellers!)

Saturday 11:40 AM - The band should be coming out and the Seniors being introduced. Does it get any better than being down there for this? Wipe the tears when we are all done singing Carmen Ohio.

Noon Kickoff - Park my cold fanny on the home sideline near the south end zone and pray there is no more of this slow start crap. Hope the Bucks are up by about four scores before Michigan ever sees the end zone.

Halftime - Fight my way to the press box along with everyone else trying to warm up. Maybe there will still be some warm brisket left. Not!

Postgame Press Conference - A real dilemma. Which one? I have been to several of Coach Tressel's, but never to one by the Michigan Coach, which could be very interesting.

Saturday Evening - I figure it will be probably 6 or so before I get out of the press conferences and the traffic has cleared. Should put me home by 8, just in time to drain the hot water tank and fall in bed.

Sunday Morning - Pack the truck for Deer Camp. Leave at noon for a four-hour drive for woods of Southern Ohio.

Sunday Evening - Sharpen knives, eat peanuts, pass gas, and tell stories of the big ones that got away.

Monday 4:30 Am - Rise early and again pull-on several layers of long johns. Head to big woods in pitch black and cold. Isn't this fun!

Monday Daybreak - Shoot 12 point buck! Field dress and drag to barn to hang and season.

Monday 10 Am - Head back to woods with second doe tag. Sit down under big oak tree. Promptly fall asleep and dream sweet sweet dreams about the past four days of Bucks and Buckeyes!