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Fifty Years

It wasn't football, but it sure was Buckeye History and Buckeye Glory. In 1960 I was only 9 years old. It was the pre-ESPN days, but I can still picture one evening when I remember my mother ironing while Jerry Lucas and the Buckeyes were on. Lucas was from our Southwest corner of Ohio and those were the glory days when the Buckeyes won one championship and battled rival Cincinnati down in two more. I can't remember if it was TV or Radio on that night, but I do think it is my earliest Buckeye memory.

They introduced those Champions at halftime yesterday during an impressive ceremony. Did you see it on CBS? Bill Rabinowitz had a very well done piece in Saturday's Dispatch about that team, the players, and what they have accomplished beyond the court in life. I found it fascinating and you would too: Being part of Ohio State's only national championship team in men's basketball left an indelible print on the lives of players and coaches alike As we approach a signing day where high schoolers hold national press conferences, Bill's writings about Jerry Lucas and Adolph Rupp say a lot!