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Kudos To The Oregon Fans

I wrote the below post Friday evening in the high following the game, but it has taken me till today to get to a computer to put it up. For all you back home, in the zero weather, it is sunny and 79 here in San Diego this morning. We are down here for a few post Rose Bowl R&R and we need it. The last 5 days were a hectic pace.

One thing I do need to do though is to give a kudo to the Oregon fans. To their credit, "they ain't the SEC". I have been to 3 big bowl games now. In the two we lost, I put up with some pretty poor SEC winners...arrogant, rude, and even nasty. Not all were like that of course, but too many were.

Before and after this game however, the Oregon folks we crossed paths with were kind, friendly, and gracious. Had some nice chats with them, and after the game the ones we have crossed path's with have been nothing but congratulatory towards us and our Buckeye team. It's been the way college football should be, and I hope the way all our Budkeyes would treat the opposition.

More thoughts on the Rose Bowl later...Jenny is eager to drag me off to the zoo....