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To Be A Light

Stefanie Spielman's life was celebrated today at a memorial service in Columbus. As I watched part of the broadcast, and listened to husband Chris at the church podium, sharing the meaning of her life and her faith, I thought of the often stereotyped "football factory" image of Ohio State Football and Ohio Stadium. How wrong that is, as I have said many times, and was illustrated again today.

Arguably the most intense man ever to roam the Horseshoe spoke softly and with tenderness of her faith and his faith and Stefanie's desire "To Be A Light" as he shared the meaning of her life.

My readers far off don't get the privilege of seeing the television coverage of these types of things like we do here in Ohio. However you can watch clips of Chris's remarks at the Dispatch links below. May it inspire you as it did me.

Letter About Stefanie

Stefanie's Passions

A broadcast of the entire service is also available at the WBNS TV website.