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We're Everywhere!

The Navy opener was going to be the first game I have missed in a long time...I wasn't going to even be party to a TV or radio broadcast. You see I am 8 miles in by water on an island in the Canadian Northland, surrounded by nothing but miles of cool clear water, along with some bears, beaver, and oh yes a few wolves we heard last night..

On a fishing expedition with my friends, I had given up this game in pursuit of bass and pike and the elusive muskie in the crystal clear waters of Georgian Bay.

This morning however our host mentioned that there was a cabin down the way that was 1) inhabited by Buckeye fans and 2) had a satellite dish!

We showed up at their doorstep at noon and invited ourselves in. To our delight we were welcomed with open arms and a hearty I-O in response to our O-H.

We had a great time biting our nails just like those of you who were 800 miles away in the stadium. A great big thank you to our Buckeye hosts Dave and DeeAnna Brown, for allowing us to crash your party! They were most gracious.