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It Took Eight years

Per below Jenny hasn't been able to get out and do a lot, so we went to a movie the other night. Being the kind, sweet, sensitive, renaissance husband that I am, I took her to a "chick flick". We saw Julia and Julia, in which the favorite leading lady of my generation, Meryl Streep, portrays Julia Child's journey to publish her famous cookbook. All kidding aside, it is a great movie.

And for me, there was a bonus. The movie enlightened me that it took Julia Child 8 years to write her cookbook and get it published. Gosh, if it took her eight years, maybe there is hope yet for a neophyte like me. I mean, all she was writing about was cooking and it took eight years. It wasn't something important about life and death religious experiences, like the Horseshoe!

Eight years Eh! Maybe there is hope for me yet. Oh, and did I mention it is in about its 45th printing... Now there's a goal!