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Beanie and Me Revisited

About five months ago, I wrote a post (below) titled "Beanie and Me". This week Beanie Wells is at the NFL Combine, but strangely, I wasn't invited!

That post was way back (seems like ages ago) when Beanie was hurt and I was too, coming off a wrist shattered in 8 pieces and 6 weeks of immobilization. I wrote about how he and I were starting therapy and making a comeback together. So many of you have asked how I am doing I decided to update you.

As for Beanie...well you and the whole country saw him hurdle that linebacker on national TV. Me? I'm working up to that any day now. Actually, after 5 months, things are finally looking up here. It will never be back to where it was but I have good wrist mobility and my fingers are loosening up and things are back to quite functional. I surely earned it though. Even today, I am still on my therapy regime...an hour and half of exercises every single day. It's a half hour every morning and hour every night with every kind of contraption you can think of...dumbbells, rubber nets, bars and balls, a shovel handle, elastic bands and more. (Actually, that is down from two hours and I have done that every single day since the cast came off mid-September.) I counted up the other day. Twenty different exercises times 35-45 reps each exercise each session times 2 sessions per day times 150 days.... well let's just say I am closing in on over 250,000 individual reps.

It's probably a good thing though that I wasn't invited to the Combine. A month ago I still had problems with finger stiffness and they sent me to a well known hand surgeon in Dayton for a second opinion. He put me on steroids for four weeks, which pretty well cleared it up, but if I were in Indy, I surely would have failed the drug test! The first week on those things though, I felt like I too could hurdle a linebacker!