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East Lansing - Part 2 - Best Fans?

Jenny and I have been to East Lansing the last 3 times the Buckeyes have played there. Each time we have been treated kindly by the Spartan Fans, more than one of whom before the game has come up to us and welcomed us to their campus and their stadium, and afterward has graciously complimented us on our victory.

Saturday was no exception. We had no longer left the hotel and were in line for breakfast at Mickey D's when a gentleman in green and white turned to me and said "Good luck today." We had a nice chat, and it turned out he was a neighbor of Coach Dantonio. We had plenty of time to walk the campus and before the game and were befriended or welcomed a dozen, or more, different times by Spartan fans.

After the game, we were in the stairwell of the parking garage and met headlong a man and his young son, both green from head to toe. It was obviously a much-anticipated day for the boy that ended in disappointment. As we passed on the stairs, the father offered "Good Game", and I thought what a nice example he was setting for his son.

I have heard second hand reports that some folks were not treated so nicely. But as for us, they were fine hosts and kudos to them for that. When I mentioned to the gentleman in MacDonald's how nice we were usually treated, he replied, "Well we're not Michigan!" Indeed, they aren't and I will be rooting for them this week when they play the team with the funny lookin helmets. You should too.