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I must confess. I missed last Saturday. It was the first home game I've missed in 3 years. It was a combination of no ticket, no press pass, and going on 9 weeks of being handicapped piling up with my need to do lists here at home. Living with one usable arm all this time has left me way behind in life's little chores, and I used the time to do some catch-up. My situation is temporary, but it has taught me great respect for those who live a lifetime with a permanent disability.

While my streak ended, it paled compared to that of one Buckeye fan I interviewed last week. Buckeye Bob as he is known (wonder how many of those there are out there) also ended his streak this season when he missed the Southern Cal game. Course Bob's streak was a wee bit longer than mine....33 years without missing as opposed to my 3. Oh, and did I mention...Bob's streak included all games, both home and away!!! Imagine that. Imagine being at every game since '75, every single one for the last 33 years. Now there is a story.

And oh by the way, Bob has for sale a vintage and mint 1975 VW Bus, fully restored and decked out in Scarlet and Gray finest. Wouldn't it be great to find someone that could take it to the 'Shoe for the next 33 years? If interested let me know and I will put you in touch!