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Which One?

He was standing in front of the Rotunda yesterday and obviously up in years. "Been coming here long?" I strolled up and asked. "First time", he replied. "I'm nearly 70 years old, one of 15 in my family, and I'm the only one that has ever gotten to come to an Ohio State game. My nephew got the ticket and I am supposed to meet him here. I just called him."

He didn't know where the seat would be, but told me it didn't matter. His first name was Lloyd and he eagerly game me his number. I agreed to call him this week to record his first time experience. As I left him, he was anxiously looking for his nephew, concerned I am sure that he would make it.

Later in the third quarter I was on the sideline when a twenty-something guy, sitting above me in the third or fourth row, started screaming "Put in Pryor, Put in Pryor". As I watched him loudly berate Coach Tressel, I thought "well dressed, third row, 35 yard line, I bet this guy has been to plenty of games." I also thought of Lloyd setting somewhere high in the Stadium, having waited seventy years for the privilege to be here. "It's a fair bet," I thought, "that Lloyd isn't sitting up there screaming Put in Pryor."

Two guys. One right on top of the action, the other likely in the nosebleed section. Which one do you think had the best time?