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I have spent the 10 days since surgery on my couch. Days are spent sitting with my arm propped on three pillows, nights I sleep there with it wedged on my chest so swelling stays down and I don't roll on it. Progress is s-l-o-w! Doc said I couldn't drive or go to work, but he never said I couldn't ride. So yesterday evening, with Jenny kindly offering to drive me to Columbus, and with my arm riding on 3 pillows, we made the 4 hour round trip to media day in the 'Shoe. It was great to get out and even better to be part of the festivities in the Horseshoe.

Media day is team picture day and the only time the writers are allowed unrestricted access to all the players and coaches. Mix in player's parents and families and it is a gold mine of memories of Ohio Stadium. It is held on the field, in the stadium. I made the most of it, coming away with 10 recorded interviews and several other contacts. I thought the OSU Gods were shining on me when I got eight minutes one on one alone with James Laurinaitis. Then, just when I thought it couldn't get any better, it did. While about 25 writers mobbed Coach Tressel, I found Ellen Tressel patiently waiting by herself off to the side. I walked up to her and said, "They all want to talk to him, but you're the one I want to interview". She was most gracious when I asked if it was okay to turn on the recorder and enthusiastically shared some thoughts about the Horseshoe and it's meaning to the Tressel family. The high from those two interviews carried me all the way through the painful ride home