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Injured Reserve

Back to the doctor yesterday. Good news and bad news. The good news is he okayed me to go to Saturday's game as long as I wear my sling. The bad news is the arm is healing slowly and I am relegated back to the couch to rest it two more weeks, with talk now of a possible bone graft. He dashed my hopes of soon getting back to work full time. And my long planned and eagerly awaited fishing trip to Canada next week is for sure canceled.

On the bright side, I can still run my tape recorder one-handed. Jenny has agreed to drive me to the game and Curt and Amber have offered up their couch in Westerville since I can't sleep in a bed. My schedule is the Cheerleaders Alumni banquet at seven on Friday night, followed by the Alumni Band social after their practice. I look forward to seeing many friends that I have made. Look for me on the sidelines and around the stadium Saturday. I will be probably the only guy in a blue sling. I know...that's sacrilegious, but it is the only color the doctor had! Go Bucks!