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Mirror Mirror

Ever look yourself in the mirror and wonder how someone so stupid managed to get through grammar school, let alone beyond? It's one of those days. I never heard from Brian Williams about his day in the 'Shoe. His executive assistant had corresponded that he would try to follow up. Of course, he was off to Afghanistan right after he spoke, and then Tim Russert tragically passed away. So I understood when I didn't. Last night I thought, maybe now that things slowed down, I should send another gentle email and see if he might still respond. So I crafted a carefully worded message stating I understood his busy situation and had no expectations, but if by chance he had any thoughts I would still welcome them. Proud of my prose, I hit the send button.

I have been getting home late from work lately. Normally I see the NBC evening news most evenings, but this week I have missed it. I thought tonight "Good, I get to see the news." As we sat down to eat, I flipped it on, and there was Brian, reporting live from Berlin with the Obama trip. Sometimes my timing just plain stinks.