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From Underdogs to Wunderdogs!

Unbelievable. Did you see it tonight? History made that is. The lowest NCAA seed ever to win a national championship in any sport. The kids with dangling fingers. The fingers missing ligaments, fingers dislocated, fingers that made defensive play after defensive play. The team that was down by 5 runs and dangling by a twig over elimination cliff just 24 hours ago. The third baseman that gobbled up everything hit to him, and the right fielder that had the best night hitting in the college world series ever.

If you didn't, you missed it. Maybe you were like half of the country, who instead watched some overpaid pros who won't bunt, who won't slide lest they scratch their expensive bling. I'll never understand why college baseball gets such short shrift. But if you are a baseball fan, and you saw it, you know how special it was. Congratulations Fresno State!