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Time Out!

You may have noticed my update pen has been quiet lately. Two reasons. Football news is slow and I've been busy.

The Davis household had a wedding and to get things ready I had a pretty long "honey do" list. On May 10th our youngest son Curt (the Architect of this website) and Amber Recker were married in a beautiful ceremony on a gorgeous sunny day. Jenny and I are thrilled we have gained another daughter and wish Curt and Amber all the best. The newlyweds will be residing in Columbus and Amber will be starting a new job as a cardiac care nurse at the OSU Roth Heart Hospital.

The second reason I have been busy is this is the planting season at the Davis ranch. Each spring my goal (much to the chagrin of Jenny and the neighbors) is to cram as many blooming plants...annuals, perennials, grasses, and bulbs....as I can on my half acre of paradise. The weather has not been cooperating, but I am about done....there are only about 8 flats and 12 gallon pots on the front porch yet to be planted. (I know, it's a sickness but what can I say? Some people play golf. Me, I grow things.) Of course, the Buckeye Bed is planted just outside our kitchen window, and come September, the mix of scarlet Impatiens and Gray Dusty Miller will be in its prime, just in time for opening day.

I will be back in the saddle tomorrow night though, as I am going to have dinner with Coach Tressel and hear him speak at the fund raiser for the Wilson Football Museum in Ada Ohio. Should be a great time. Report to follow.