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Gee Its Dr. Gee, Again - (spring game story #2)

Some days it amazes me the breaks I get.

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you may remember that I already used this title in a post below. Last fall I told the story of getting so close to Dr Gee several times, but always coming up short. Finally one day I ambushed him in the press box. In the best tradition of the paparazzi, I thrust my recorder in front of him (an act of which I am not proud), and he graciously gave me some remarks for the book.

I have recorded more than 200 interviews over the course of the last year and a half. For most, I have even used two recorders. Each night after every home game, I diligently and carefully transferred the digital files from the recorder to my computer and then backed them up on a second hard drive. Somehow, in this process, I lost three files out of the 300 to 400 files I had. Guess who one of the three was! Of course, it was Dr Gee. Of course, it was one done with a single recorder and of course, it was as the song says, "gone, gone, gone!"

Or so I thought. Saturday in the 'Shoe I was talking to the man with the hat (see post below) when he said to me, "there is Dr. Gee". I turned and "there" was six inches from my elbow standing right next to me! I introduced myself, put my arm around Dr. Gee's shoulder, fessed up to being a real klutz, and said "We're gonna do this again!" Before he knew what hit him, he found a recorder in front of him and once again, he kindly obliged with some words of wisdom.

Thank you Dr Gee! (Oh, and this time I have it safely tucked away on four different drives, one of which is off-site and another that will be going in the bank vault real soon!