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The Nicest Group of Buckeye Fans

Tuesday afternoon, killing time in Gulfport airport on the trip home....

I have often talked about how this project has introduced me to most gracious and fascinating Buckeye’s and the finest fans the nation has to offer. This trip proved no exception.

Friday evening I found myself alone in New Orleans, a strange city that is not the easiest or safest for someone to get around in by themselves. By chance, there was a Buckeye family and their Buckeye friends staying in the same B&B that I was. They had known each other all their lives and here I was a stranger. They graciously invited me out to dinner with their group Friday night and befriended me with their hospitality over the weekend. I came to know them and their deep Buckeye roots. They are loyal fans, accomplished alumni, professionally successful and kind people. Once again I was reminded why true Buckeyes are the Best Fans in the Land.

It didn’t surprise me at all when I learned that one of their Buckeye stories had ended up in the HBO documentary on “The Rivalry”. It’s a really neat story that will be passed from generation to generation in their family, and I will be sharing that one and some others with you in the book.

To Troy, Katie, Linda, Garret, Jeff, Joe, Sarah, and all the others whom names have escaped me, thanks for your kindness.