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O-H in Chicago

I was in downtown Chicago for my day job Monday evening and about 6 PM or so called Jenny back home. We talked for a few minutes and hung up. Ten minutes later my cell rang. I looked at it and it was her calling back. Oh, no I thought...this could not be good....calling me back so soon. “Has something happened, is someone hurt,” I thought?

I pressed answer and the first words out of her mouth were “James Laurinaitis is coming back! It was just on the news.” I thought now how many places in the country would that be worth an immediate phone call. Not many, but it is with the Buckeyes.

I hung up, bundled up, and headed out of the hotel in a cold, snowy, windy, Chicago winter night, on the way to a business appointment. I hadn’t walked two blocks when I passed a man in a dark suite wearing a nice winter top coat. Topping off his outfit was a red stocking hat with a Block O. “O-H” I shouted as we passed. “I –O” he answered.

“Did you hear the news?” I asked. “Laurinaitis is coming back!”

“Wow! That’s great!” he answered.

And then we were each on our separate way...two strangers in a strange place...united by a common bond, and an admiration for a famous guy with a common flair, a guy who chose team, commitment, and dedication over the $$$.

When he replied to my friend Jan (below), Coach Tressel wrote, “Our kids are special.” How right he was. Hats off to James for the message he is sending.