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Will it Rub Off?

I have changed my room reservation from the deal I had in Gulfport to a reasonably priced B&B I purchased in New Orleans, courtesy of very disappointed Missouri fans who had booked prematurely! This will put me closer to the action and provide more time to be out mixing and talking with Buckeye fans everywhere.

I am hoping it does more than that. I will be staying at the Degas House, home to the famous French Impressionist Painter Edgar Degas. Degas resided in this house in 1872 & 1873, creating at least twenty-two works of art. From his work emerged the Impressionist Movement and Degas was an unquestioned pioneer in artistic freedom that changed Art and the World forever.

I figured hey, if it unlocked all that creativity for him, imagine what that house can do for an aspiring writer like me! Gosh, I just need a little bit of it to rub off and my pen and my manuscript will become famous too! Think it’ll work?

Just in case it doesn’t, I will be doing things the old fashioned way, out pounding the pavement with recorder and notebook in hand. Look for the guy with Stories of the Shoe on the front of his shirt, and a picture of the Archie and the 'Shoe on the back.

Go Bucks